Thursday, November 28, 2013

So Much To Be Thankful For

It has been a while since my last post; amazing how times clicks on by!  What has struck me this past month, more than ever before, is the importance of slowing down.  I know it is so hard to do; society tells us the exact opposite.  Hurry and buy this on Thanksgiving Day instead of on crazy Black Friday, rush to get the shopping done, rush to make dinner.  The list of things to do will never get done.  And you know what, it's okay.  I have found that if the list and the tasks it contains are the focus, I miss out on the moments, the moments that really matter!  6:00pm - me thinking, "I gotta check this email and respond to it because it's from a new client," and I start typing on my phone.  Logan, "Dad it's after dinner play time, put the phone away!"  He was right plain and simple.  There will always be "other" things vying for my attention.  Having worked as a firefighter/ paramedic for over the last 10 years has allowed me the opportunity to see many people die well before their time.  I say opportunity because it has given me a perspective on my own life and what is truly important.  As I spend time with my kiddos, I try not to let a teaching moment go by.  This means that I have to be completely engaged with them and what is going on.  I have by no means perfected this.  I was recently reminded by someone that I truly love and respect, that for all those other times when I don't do it as well as I would like, God covers them with his grace.  But it is a conscious choice that I have to make moment by moment.  I have been struck by the fact that with a little organization of each day the, "Big Things" get mostly done, and the "most important things" stay the most important.  Slow down a little.  The list will always be there, enjoy your journey and those that are in your life to share it.  Happy Thanksgiving!

A good friend of mine, who is much better with the written word than me, wrote a great post earlier this month regarding family and those little teaching moments that are so important. Here's the link; I think it's worth a read.

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