Monday, June 23, 2014

I Have To......

With a somewhat dutiful expression he said, "I have to go for a run this afternoon."  My reply, "you get to go for a run this afternoon."  This has been my response to people way too often recently.  You see, as a Health and Fitness Coach it is my responsibility to assist people to make positive, lasting changes in their lives.  While the above exchange does show a level of commitment from my friend (not a client) to his training program, it also shows an interesting relationship that many of us, myself included at times, have with exercise - workouts, going to the gym, runs, biking, suffer-fests, pumping iron (does anyone say that since the early 90's?).  Whatever you call your times of activity, too many of us see it as something to just get through or to endure - something "I have to do."

Years of working as a firefighter and paramedic have helped to shape how I view the world around me.  None of us are guaranteed tomorrow.  This is something many of us often hear and it sounds like a nice proverb or word of wisdom.  However, I count myself as "fortunate" to have seen countless examples of this truth - of lives cut short and the pain left behind with their families and loved ones.

Wait a minute I thought this blog was about fitness, running and all things that can make me feel good!  It is, but it is also about our thought patterns, attitudes, and my approach to coaching as much as anything.

My response in the opening lines was shaped by the most recent event that brought back memories of my days as a firefighter/paramedic. An acquaintance of mine was recently seriously injured in a mountain biking accident. Being a very active person, I'm sure she would love to be able to go out for a run, ride, or anything rather than laying in that hospital bed.

So, the next time you are talking to someone about the fact that you "have to go to the gym,"
"have to go for a run," etc. take just a moment to rephrase your statement to "I get to go......."  It might just be the change needed to help get you to your health and fitness goals.


  1. Good words. Life is certainly a precious commodity.

    1. Glad you were able to take something from the post. Thanks for reading it.
